Shannon Martin » The Willow Way

The Willow Way

The Willow Way

At Willow School learning is our priority.  We have three school-wide  rules in order to stay on task and keep learning.

Be safe.

Be caring.

Be ready.

The children are required to follow the classroom rules.

  • I will listen and follow directions.
  • I will keep my hands and feet to myself and my own property.
  • I will be kind to others.

Behavior Procedures

  • Interactive Modeling—An explicit practice for teaching procedures and routines (such as those for entering and exiting the room) as well as academic and social skills (such as engaging with the text or giving and accepting feedback).
  • Teacher Language—The intentional use of language to enable students to engage in their learning and develop the academic, social, and emotional skills they need to be successful in and out of school.
  • Logical Consequences—A non-punitive response to misbehavior that allows teachers to set clear limits and students to fix and learn from their mistakes while maintaining their dignity.
  • Interactive Learning Structures—Purposeful activities that give students opportunities to engage with content in active (hands-on) and interactive (social) ways.

Students will be given several warnings before I have a formal conversation with them about behavior. If a student receives several warnings, they must complete a behavior reflection sheet that will be sent home. If a student has many warnings, parent contact will be made or student may receive an office referral. Students will have opportunities to earn coupons or prizes for positive behavior on a weekly basis, as well as, earning daily Willow Wows. Our class will also have opportunities to have class celebrations!